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Experimental movie

1 in 4 people carries the gene DRD4-7R * . This gene is seen as the 'adventure gene . It encourages you to take risks. When you have an active dopamine system . You constantly search for boundaries and remains eager to discover new sensations and experiences and are willing to accept more risks. Human power requirement therefore is partially genetically determined. It may be that you have a deficiency or excess of dopamine. This can cause problems. suchs ass: Addiction, depression , schitzofrenie , anorexia and parkinsonism are consequences of a lack or excess of dopamine in your body.


In the film we want to show the feeling you get when dopamine flows through your body.

We want to show what happens to you in an overdose of dopamine. We symbolize this through abstract close-ups of images that represent a certain feeling. It is looking beyond borders, but is there a limit ? This contradiction is the guiding principle of our film. This means that we do not reach climax in the film. There is a tension, but it remains an ongoing process.

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